How to manage expectations while juggling different projects with overlapping deadlines and competing resources?

Collaborations Workshop 2018 - 2018-03-26 How to manage expectations while juggling different projects with overlapping deadlines and competing resources? - CI1-CW18 Reporter Tania R Allard - Participants Stephan Druskat, Robert Haines, Tania Allard, Mark Woodbridge, Stuart Grieve, Brigitta Sipocz, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Raquel Alegre Context / Research Domain This problem is often found within Research Software Engineering like-teams working collaboratively in a number of research projects. Problem Now that the necessity of having an RSE in a project is established, the issue of managing the expectations of the projects and allocating resources to multiple concurrent projects....

3 min · 445 words · Stephan Druskat, Robert Haines, Tania Allard, Mark Woodbridge, Stuart Grieve, Brigitta Sipocz, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Raquel Alegre
🥈 2nd Place


Collaborations Workshop 2019 (CW19) #CollabW19 2019-04-01 to 2019-04-03 Team 7 - CI5-CW2CC Reporter Sam Mangham - Participants Al_exandra Simperler,,_ Mario Antonioletti -, _Sam Mangham -, _ Ben Krikler -, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran -, Tyler Whitehouse This document should be used to capture the information for a Collaborative Session / Hack Day Idea. (The total amount of text should ideally be between 100-300 words and you can include a diagram or two)....

4 min · 804 words · Alexandra Simperler, Mario Antonioletti, Sam Mangham, Ben Krikler, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Tyler Whitehouse