馃 3rd Place

Dealing with Legacy Code

CW20 - 2020-03-31 to 2020-04-02 Idea 4 - CI4-CW20 Dealing with Legacy Code Participants Patricia Herterich_ _ Cat Smith_ _ Christopher Fullerton Raniere Silva Philipp Boersch-Supan Context / Research Domain All research domains which have to contend with/rely on legacy code which does not conform to best practices. Problem Researchers are instructed to use some legacy code written by their team, a third party or even themselves a while ago. The code isn鈥檛 documented or unit tested....

3 min 路 561 words 路 Patricia Herterich, Catherine Smith, Christopher Fullerton, Raniere Silva, Philipp Boersch-Supan

Interdisciplinary Glossary of Glossaries

CW22 - 2022-04-04 Collaborative Ideas session group: B-Bamboo Participants Alison Clarke, Durham University, alison.r.clarke@durham.ac.uk Catherine Smith, University of Birmingham, c.j.smith@bham.ac.uk James Baker, University of Southampton j.w.baker@soton.ac.uk Anne Lee Steele, Alan Turing Institute, asteele@turing.ac.uk Jez Cope, The British Library, jez.cope@bl.uk Group photo Collaborative Idea Title Interdisciplinary Glossary of Glossaries Context / Research Domain Interdisciplinary; spaces where disciplines come together (e.g. through computational methods/tools/projects) Problem The same terms are often used in different ways by different groups and different terms can also be used for the same concept....

2 min 路 386 words 路 Alison Clarke, Catherine Smith, James Baker, Anne Lee Steele, Jez Cope

RSE Careers

Collaborations Workshop 2019 (CW19) #CollabW19 2019-04-01 to 2019-04-03 collab_ideas_group_5 - CI10-CW2CC Reporter Sarah Gibson - sgibson@turing.ac.uk Participants Jason M. Gates, Joanna Leng, Catherine Smith, Sarah Gibson, Colin Sauze, Alexander Konovalov Context / Research Domain RSE Careers Problem HERA (Higher Education Role Analysis) is a tool which is used to analyse roles found in Higher Education institutions (see http://www.ecc.ac.uk/about-us/ for further information). They were written about 15 years ago. While there were subsequent changes to REF procedures, and RSEs did not exist at the point they were written, the descriptions stay the same....

2 min 路 221 words 路 Jason M. Gates, Joanna Leng, Catherine Smith, Sarah Gibson, Colin Sauze, Alexander Konovalov