🥉 3rd Place

Automating Screenshots for Documentation

Collaborations Workshop 2019 (CW19) #CollabW19 2019-04-01 to 2019-04-03 Automating Screenshots for Documentation - HP4-CW2CC Hackday Idea Proposer Colin Sauze - cos@aber.ac.uk This document should be used to capture the information for a Hack Day Idea. Context / Research Domain Please describe the context or research domain to which the problem applies Any application with a graphical or web interface. Problem Keeping documentation and code in sync with each other automatically. Informing developers when the visual look of their application changes without them realising....

1 min · 196 words · Colin Sauze
🥈 2nd Place

Coding Confessions

CW21 Hack Day - 2021-03-31 to 2021-04-01 Blanch-1943 - HP3-CW21 Hack Day idea proposer Colin Sauze Idea name (provisional) Coding Confessions Context and/or research domain Anybody who writes code for research Hack Day Demo Problem People don’t want to talk about their mistakes, publish code or submit it for review. Only positive results get published. Common reasons for this are fear that “my code isn’t good enough”, “isn’t complete enough”, “has mistakes in it”....

1 min · 192 words · Colin Sauze

Interdisciplinary Researchers ‘R’ Us

CW22 - 2022-04-04 Collaborative Ideas session group: D-Dandelion Participants Abhishek Dasgupta, University of Oxford, abhishek.dasgupta@cs.ox.ac.uk David Wilby, University of Sheffield, d.wilby@sheffield.ac.uk Ben Krikler, U. of Bristol, / RemotleyGreen, b.krikler@cern.ch / ben@remotely.green Nadine Spychala / University of Sussex / N.Spychala@sussex.ac.uk Yo Yehudi / Open Life Science / yo@openlifesci.org Yadira Sanchez / U. of southampton / y.sanchezbenitez@soton.ac.uk Colin Sauze / Aberystwyth University / cos@aber.ac.uk Group photo Collaborative Idea Title Interdisciplinary Researchers ‘R’ Us...

4 min · 731 words · Abhishek Dasgupta, David Wilby, Ben Krikler, Nadine Spychala, Yo Yehudi, Yadira Sanchez, Colin Sauze

Online Community Cookie Cutter c<sup>3</sup>

CW20 - 2020-03-31 to 2020-04-02 Idea 8 - Online Community Cookie Cutter c3- CI8-CW20 **Overview of the project: **Guiding documents/tools for leading and sustaining online research communities facilitated by collaborative projects or events. Participants Will Furnass: Scribe Colin Sauze Louise Bowler: Chair Malvika Sharan (malvikasharan@gmail.com) Jo Leng (j.leng@leeds.ac.uk) Mateusz Kuzak (@matkuzak) Back up zoom: https://turing-uk.zoom.us/s/6507227126 (Malvika) This document should be used to capture the information for a Collaborative Session / Hack Day Idea....

5 min · 1051 words · Will Furnass, Colin Sauze, Louise Bowler, Malvika Sharan, Joanna Leng, Mateusz Kuzak

RSE Careers

Collaborations Workshop 2019 (CW19) #CollabW19 2019-04-01 to 2019-04-03 collab_ideas_group_5 - CI10-CW2CC Reporter Sarah Gibson - sgibson@turing.ac.uk Participants Jason M. Gates, Joanna Leng, Catherine Smith, Sarah Gibson, Colin Sauze, Alexander Konovalov Context / Research Domain RSE Careers Problem HERA (Higher Education Role Analysis) is a tool which is used to analyse roles found in Higher Education institutions (see http://www.ecc.ac.uk/about-us/ for further information). They were written about 15 years ago. While there were subsequent changes to REF procedures, and RSEs did not exist at the point they were written, the descriptions stay the same....

2 min · 221 words · Jason M. Gates, Joanna Leng, Catherine Smith, Sarah Gibson, Colin Sauze, Alexander Konovalov