GitHub annotator/failure map

Collaborations Workshop 2019 (CW19) #CollabW19 2019-04-01 to 2019-04-03 GitHub annotator/failure map - HP5-CW2CC Hackday Idea Proposer Ilektra Christidi - Context / Research Domain Documentation in general, but especially for software project handover. All research domains. Problem Quite often, a lot of the detail of how and why a piece of software has been developed the way it did, is hidden inside GitHub Issue and PR discussion threads. The kind of information that tends to get lost this way are the approaches that didn’t work, since the ones that did have some hope of making it to the final documentation of the package, and they are the code implementation itself....

3 min · 442 words · Ilektra Christidi

Infrastructure to support following up after a workshop / training session

o### Collaborations Workshop 2019 (CW19) #CollabW19 2019-04-01 to 2019-04-03 Collaborative Idea Group 3 - CI9-CW2CC Reporter Aleksandra Nenadic - Participants Aleksandra Nenadic Robin Long Louise Bowler Jess Ward Ilektra Christidi James Graham Context / Research Domain Early-career researchers often attend training and workshops orientated around learning good programming techniques and other best practices for producing reproducible, robust research. Training of this type (Carpentries, short courses etc.) is applicable for researchers in a wide variety of domains....

10 min · 2121 words · Aleksandra Nenadic, Robin Long, Louise Bowler, Jess Ward, Ilektra Christidi, James Graham

Keeping up with the Joneses: Providing evidence for software and data citations in published papers

Collaborations Workshop 2018 - 2018-03-26 Group G - CI3-CW18 Reporter Kirstie Whitaker - Participants Kirstie Whitaker, Ilektra Christidi, Andrew Walker, Shoaib Sufi Title: Keeping up with the Joneses: Providing evidence for software and data citations in published papers Context / Research Domain It’s not clear which journals and disciplines have citations to software and data and how their numbers are changing over time. In addition, it’s not clear whether these resources are still available, nor whether they meet community standards....

2 min · 386 words · Kirstie Whitaker, Ilektra Christidi, Andrew Walker, Shoaib Sufi