Key Performance Indicators for Research Software Engineering Output

CW22 - 2022-04-04 Collaborative Ideas session group: F-Fern Participants Stephan Druskat, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Daniel S. Katz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Heather Turner, University of Warwick, Vashti Galpin, University of Edinburgh, Amal Alghamdi, DTU, Jannetta Steyn, Newcastle University, Group photo Collaborative Idea Title Key Performance Indicators for Research Software Engineering Output Context / Research Domain Software Sustainability Problem (Stephan) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used in research evaluation to determine the grade of success of a researcher, research project, research group, or research process....

4 min · 647 words · Stephan Druskat, Daniel S. Katz, Heather Turner, Vashti Galpin, Amal Alghamdi, Jannetta Steyn, Daniel S. Katz, James Baker, Martin Donnelly, Melodee Beals, Richard Adams, Stephen Dowsland
🥇 1st Place

Using Raspberry Pis to deliver Carpentries training in remote locations

CW21 Hack Day - 2021-03-31 to 2021-04-01 Lovelace-1842 - HP16-CW21 Hack Day idea proposer Becca Wilson Irma Hafidz Alison Clarke Talia Caplan Jannetta Steyn Idea name (provisional) Using Raspberry Pis to deliver Carpentries training in remote locations Context and/or research domain Low-to-Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) experience several challenges in building capacity of data analysis or software engineering skills that are necessary for contemporary data science. Several training programmes exist online, however these may not be easily accessible or in formats that can be utilised....

3 min · 519 words · Becca Wilson, Irma Hafidz, Alison Clarke, Talia Caplan, Jannetta Steyn