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Collaborations Workshop 2019 (CW19) #CollabW19 2019-04-01聽to 2019-04-03 CarpenTREE - DSR12-CW2CC Reporter Arshad Emmambux - a.emmambux@soton.ac.uk Participants Patricia Herterich - p.s.herterich@bham.ac.uk Victor Koppejan - victorkoppejan@gmail.com Louise Bowler - lbowler@turing.ac.uk Niall Beard Link to initial proposal https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CQv-LJejF3pcXIFz0ve1JGMLtUperfxClbTEJbO5VYA/edit Link to final presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1df3kYNx7UquQLJl1x8WnCfnEzQfyYrtsUhdUGAFsaY0/edit?usp=sharing Problem statement Navigating software /data carpentry lessons isn鈥檛 straightforward, it鈥檚 not always clear where to go next and how much knowledge you need to start a lesson. Not many people have a complete overview of the carpentry lessons....

3 min 路 545 words 路 Arshad Emmambux, Patricia Herterich, Victor Koppejan, Louise Bowler, Niall Beard

Infrastructure to support following up after a workshop / training session

o### Collaborations Workshop 2019 (CW19) #CollabW19 2019-04-01 to 2019-04-03 Collaborative Idea Group 3 - CI9-CW2CC Reporter Aleksandra Nenadic - anenadic@gmail.com Participants Aleksandra Nenadic Robin Long Louise Bowler Jess Ward Ilektra Christidi James Graham Context / Research Domain Early-career researchers often attend training and workshops orientated around learning good programming techniques and other best practices for producing reproducible, robust research. Training of this type (Carpentries, short courses etc.) is applicable for researchers in a wide variety of domains....

10 min 路 2121 words 路 Aleksandra Nenadic, Robin Long, Louise Bowler, Jess Ward, Ilektra Christidi, James Graham

Online Community Cookie Cutter c<sup>3</sup>

CW20 - 2020-03-31 to 2020-04-02 Idea 8 - Online Community Cookie Cutter c3- CI8-CW20 **Overview of the project: **Guiding documents/tools for leading and sustaining online research communities facilitated by collaborative projects or events. Participants Will Furnass: Scribe Colin Sauze Louise Bowler: Chair Malvika Sharan (malvikasharan@gmail.com) Jo Leng (j.leng@leeds.ac.uk) Mateusz Kuzak (@matkuzak) Back up zoom: https://turing-uk.zoom.us/s/6507227126 (Malvika) This document should be used to capture the information for a Collaborative Session / Hack Day Idea....

5 min 路 1051 words 路 Will Furnass, Colin Sauze, Louise Bowler, Malvika Sharan, Joanna Leng, Mateusz Kuzak