馃 2nd Place


Collaborations Workshop 2019 (CW19) #CollabW19 2019-04-01 to 2019-04-03 Team 7 - CI5-CW2CC Reporter Sam Mangham - mangham@gmail.com Participants Al_exandra Simperler, alex@simperler-consulting.com,_ Mario Antonioletti - mario@epcc.ed.ac.uk, _Sam Mangham - s.w.mangham@soton.ac.uk, _ Ben Krikler - b.krikler@cern.ch, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran - alejandra.gonzalez.beltran@gmail.com, Tyler Whitehouse This document should be used to capture the information for a Collaborative Session / Hack Day Idea. (The total amount of text should ideally be between 100-300 words and you can include a diagram or two)....

4 min 路 804 words 路 Alexandra Simperler, Mario Antonioletti, Sam Mangham, Ben Krikler, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Tyler Whitehouse

Software citation videos (to understand why and how to make your software citable)

CW21 - 2021-03-30 Jasper - CI10-CW21 Participants Morane Gruenpeter (Chair) Mario Antonioletti Emmy Tsang (Scribe) Esther Plomp Context / Research Domain Software citation videos (to understand why and how to make your software citable) Problem Preliminary activity Mario: something visual is always very appealing, base it on a theme that has been running through the workshop, need to define the right skill set required when pitching the idea, (I have no definite idea) For software citation - Stephan Druskat is a good person to talk to https://citation-file-format....

4 min 路 692 words 路 Morane Gruenpeter, Mario Antonioletti, Emmy Tsang, Esther Plomp
馃 1st Place

Storyboarding Sustainability

A CW20 - 2020-03-31 to 2020-04-02 Idea 9 - CI9-CW20: Storyboarding Sustainability Participants Emma Rand Matthew West Laurence Brown Mario Antonioletti Alison Clarke Context / Research Domain Many research domains where PIs may not have an awareness of reproducibility and sustainability best practice, may not consider it is relevant to their group or may not know where to start. Problem PIs are not always aware of the need to consider sustainability from the start of their project....

3 min 路 478 words 路 Emma Rand, Matthew West, Laurence Brown, Mario Antonioletti, Alison Clarke

The Code Review Cupid

CW22 - 2022-04-04 **Collaborative Ideas session group: The **Code Review Cupid (H-Heather) [from the clipart library] Participants Sherman Lo / RSE, Queen Mary, University of London/ London / s.lo@qmul.ac.uk / Twitter @shermanlo77 / Github @shermanlo77 Matthew Alexandrakis, RSE Queen Mary University of London, m.alexandrakis@qmul.ac.uk Dmitry Nikolaenko, RSE / Durham University, dmitry.nikolaenko@durham.ac.uk Felicity Anderson, EPCC PhD Researcher, University of Edinburgh, Felicity.Anderson@ed.ac.uk Matthew Bluteau, RSE at UK Atomic Energy Authority, matthew.bluteau@ukaea.uk Mario Antonioletti, EPCC/SSI University of Edinburgh, mario@epcc....

4 min 路 776 words 路 Sherman Lo, Matthew Alexandrakis, Dmitry Nikolaenko, Felicity Anderson, Matthew Bluteau, Mario Antonioletti