Easy Open Source Bio-Graphs

CW22 - 2022-04-04 Collaborative Ideas session group: A-Aloe Biological Sciences. Participants Mark Basham, Rosalind Franklin Institute, mark.basham@rfi.ac.uk - note taker Gemma Turon, Ersilia Open Source Initiative, gemma@ersilia.io Sarah Forrester, University of York, sarah.forrester@york.ac.uk - chair Emma Karoune, The Alan Turing Institute, ekaroune@turing.ac.uk Vicky Hellon, The Alan Turing Institute, vhellon@turing.ac.uk Katy Brown, University of Cambridge, kab84@cam.ac.uk Collaborative Idea Title Easy Open Source Bio-Graphs Context / Research Domain Many biological labs have routine assays or experiments which require standard analysis and produce a well understood graph as an output....

3 min · 509 words · Mark Basham, Gemma Turon, Sarah Forrester, Emma Karoune, Vicky Hellon, Katy Brown