🥇 1st Place


Collaborations Workshop 2019 (CW19) #CollabW19 2019-04-01 to 2019-04-03 CarpenTREE - DSR12-CW2CC Reporter Arshad Emmambux - a.emmambux@soton.ac.uk Participants Patricia Herterich - p.s.herterich@bham.ac.uk Victor Koppejan - victorkoppejan@gmail.com Louise Bowler - lbowler@turing.ac.uk Niall Beard Link to initial proposal https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CQv-LJejF3pcXIFz0ve1JGMLtUperfxClbTEJbO5VYA/edit Link to final presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1df3kYNx7UquQLJl1x8WnCfnEzQfyYrtsUhdUGAFsaY0/edit?usp=sharing Problem statement Navigating software /data carpentry lessons isn’t straightforward, it’s not always clear where to go next and how much knowledge you need to start a lesson. Not many people have a complete overview of the carpentry lessons....

3 min · 545 words · Arshad Emmambux, Patricia Herterich, Victor Koppejan, Louise Bowler, Niall Beard
🥉 3rd Place

Dealing with Legacy Code

CW20 - 2020-03-31 to 2020-04-02 Idea 4 - CI4-CW20 Dealing with Legacy Code Participants Patricia Herterich_ _ Cat Smith_ _ Christopher Fullerton Raniere Silva Philipp Boersch-Supan Context / Research Domain All research domains which have to contend with/rely on legacy code which does not conform to best practices. Problem Researchers are instructed to use some legacy code written by their team, a third party or even themselves a while ago. The code isn’t documented or unit tested....

3 min · 561 words · Patricia Herterich, Catherine Smith, Christopher Fullerton, Raniere Silva, Philipp Boersch-Supan

Improving data visualization literacy

CW21 - 2021-03-30 Heathcliff - CI8-CW21 Participants Connie Clare Louise Brown Sam Haynes Will Furnass Patricia Herterich Problem Improving data visualization literacy Research domain: Research communication / Data science / Visualization “Follow the science” has become the tagline for 2020, but what is “the science”? Who defines it and is it really infallible? We have all seen many graphs and statistical summaries over the last 12 months, many of them not being clear to a lay audience....

2 min · 293 words · Connie Clare, Louise Brown, Sam Haynes, Will Furnass, Patricia Herterich

Path to Open Platforms - new chapter for the Turing Way

CW22 - 2022-04-04 Collaborative Ideas session group: G-Ginkgo Participants Sarah Gibson, 2i2c, sgibson@2i2c.org Arielle Bennett, The Alan Turing Institute Morane Gruenpeter, Software Heritage, morane@softwareheritage.org James Byrne, RSE @ British Antarctic Survey, jambyr@bas.ac.uk Mohamed Selim, Project Leader, EMBL-EBI, mselim@ebi.ac.uk Patricia Herterich, DCC, University of Edinburgh, p.herterich@ed.ac.uk Some ideas/challenges: Running open infrastructure requires skills that are really hard to learn and most PIs (senior people) do not understand/care about it Avoiding vendor lock in People don’t mind paying for this (but do they care if it’s open?...

2 min · 425 words · Sarah Gibson, Arielle Bennett, Morane Gruenpeter, James Byrne, Mohamed Selim, Patricia Herterich

What is my contribution

Collaborations Workshop 2019 (CW19) #CollabW19 2019-04-01 to 2019-04-03 Group 6 - CI2-CW2CC Reporter Raniere Silva - r.gaia.cs@gmail.com Participants Patricia Herterich - @pherterich Michael Allaway Alessandro Felder Daina Bouquin - @dainabouquin Louise Brown - @louisepb Raniere Silva - @rgaiacs This document should be used to capture the information for a Collaborative Session / Hack Day Idea. (The total amount of text should ideally be between 100-300 words and you can include a diagram or two)....

2 min · 423 words · Patricia Herterich, Michael Allaway, Alessandro Felder, Daina Bouqui, Louise Brown, Raniere Silva