🥉 3rd Place

Dealing with Legacy Code

CW20 - 2020-03-31 to 2020-04-02 Idea 4 - CI4-CW20 Dealing with Legacy Code Participants Patricia Herterich_ _ Cat Smith_ _ Christopher Fullerton Raniere Silva Philipp Boersch-Supan Context / Research Domain All research domains which have to contend with/rely on legacy code which does not conform to best practices. Problem Researchers are instructed to use some legacy code written by their team, a third party or even themselves a while ago. The code isn’t documented or unit tested....

3 min · 561 words · Patricia Herterich, Catherine Smith, Christopher Fullerton, Raniere Silva, Philipp Boersch-Supan

Let’s make some better manuscript templates for the Journal of Open Research Software

CW20 - 2020-03-31 to 2020-04-02 Gamma - HP3-CW20 Hackday Idea Proposer Philipp Boersch-Supan (@pboesu) Context / Research Domain Research Software Dissemination / Software Peer Review Problem This is perhaps a rather mundane issue, and maybe too small a project for a hack day, but it’s an issue with direct relevance to the SSI, so I thought I’d propose it nonetheless: Let’s make some better manuscript templates for the Journal of Open Research Software...

1 min · 122 words · Philipp Boersch-Supan