Infrastructure to support following up after a workshop / training session

o### Collaborations Workshop 2019 (CW19) #CollabW19 2019-04-01 to 2019-04-03 Collaborative Idea Group 3 - CI9-CW2CC Reporter Aleksandra Nenadic - Participants Aleksandra Nenadic Robin Long Louise Bowler Jess Ward Ilektra Christidi James Graham Context / Research Domain Early-career researchers often attend training and workshops orientated around learning good programming techniques and other best practices for producing reproducible, robust research. Training of this type (Carpentries, short courses etc.) is applicable for researchers in a wide variety of domains....

10 min · 2121 words · Aleksandra Nenadic, Robin Long, Louise Bowler, Jess Ward, Ilektra Christidi, James Graham

Streamlining JupyterLab as a teaching tool

Collaborations Workshop 2018 - 2018-03-26 Streamlining JupyterLab as a teaching tool Reporter Tania R Allard - Participants Tania Allard, Matt Williams, Mark Dawson, Jeremy Cohen, Sam Mangham, Robin Long Context / Research Domain The problem covers the domain of training and education for new users of interpreted languages. Problem Existing tools to support training are either too simplistic, resulting in a steep learning curve for students who need to install complex environments and understand packaging systems or command-line REPL interfaces, or too complex, aiming to streamline the user experience to a level that presents too many choices and provides a cluttered interface....

3 min · 483 words · Tania Allard, Matt Williams, Mark Dawson, Jeremy Cohen, Sam Mangham, Robin Long