Hello world (of CI/CD)

CW21 Hack Day - 2021-03-31 to 2021-04-01 Amonette-1943 - HP1-CW21 Hack Day idea Proposer Sorrel Harriet Idea name (provisional) Hello World! (of CI/CD) Context / Research Domain Software engineering Problem Build a Hello World app (but make it support continuous deployment.) This hack day idea is more about developing skills, and less about the idea itself. I want to gain experience using best practices like TDD and CI/CD, but I never seem to get around to actually doing it....

1 min · 186 words · Sorrel Harriet

How to encourage and ensure software maintenance gets sufficiently funded

CW21 - 2021-03-30 Bagpuss - CI2-CW21 Participants Sorrel Harriet (Chair) Teri Forey (Scribe) Diego Alonso Álvarez Heather Turner Alexander Konovalov Ilian Todorov Ideas: _Tool or mechanism to add comments to code, or annotating the code with feedback without creating a pull request. Better space to provide guidance. _ _Nothing wrong with paired programming or code review, but it’s synchronous (have to find time that’s convenient to everyone). If it’s in a document there’s no easy way to link it to the line of code....

5 min · 1034 words · Sorrel Harriet, Teri Forey, Diego Alonso-Álvarez, Heather Turner, Alexander Konovalov, Ilian Todorov

The Research Data Sandbox

Collaborations Workshop 2019 (CW19) #CollabW19 2019-04-01 to 2019-04-03 Group 2: The Research Data Sandbox - CI7-CW2CC Reporter Steve Crouch - s.crouch3000@gmail.com / All Participants Sorrel Harriet, Melodee Beals, Lucia Michielin, Steve Crouch, Mosè Giordano Context / Research Domain General research data. Problem Many researchers who generate research data face a variety of issues with exposing that data to a wider audience including imposter syndrome or a general lack of confidence with ‘putting their data out there’....

2 min · 335 words · Sorrel Harriet, Melodee Beals, Lucia Michielin, Steve Crouch, Mosè Giordano