Aligning the Citation File Format and CodeMeta

Collaborations Workshop 2018 - 2018-03-26 Aligning the Citation File Format and CodeMeta Hackday Idea Proposer Stephan Druskat - Context / Research Domain The domain is: Software Citation Implementations Problem The Citation File Format (CFF, is a human-writable and -readable, machine-readable format for the provision of software citation metadata. As such, it should be aligned with the evolving standard for providing *general* software metadata, CodeMeta ( This is because:...

2 min · 264 words · Stephan Druskat


CW21 Hack Day - 2021-03-31 to 2021-04-01 Hopper-1949 - HP12-CW21 Hack Day idea proposer Faruk Diblen, Daniel Garijo, Carlos Martinez, Mathew Bluteau, Paddy McCann Slack: #howdescribedis Idea name (provisional) HowDescribedIs Further automation of howfairis Hack Day Demo Context and/or research domain howfairis is a tool to measure level of adherence to the five recommendations on website. It allows users to automatically check the compliance of their code and produce a badge displaying the score of their software....

2 min · 307 words · Faruk Diblen, Daniel Garijo, Carlos Martinez, Matthew Bluteau, Paddy McCann

Keeping up with the Joneses: Providing evidence for software and data citations in published papers

Collaborations Workshop 2018 - 2018-03-26 Group G - CI3-CW18 Reporter Kirstie Whitaker - Participants Kirstie Whitaker, Ilektra Christidi, Andrew Walker, Shoaib Sufi Title: Keeping up with the Joneses: Providing evidence for software and data citations in published papers Context / Research Domain It’s not clear which journals and disciplines have citations to software and data and how their numbers are changing over time. In addition, it’s not clear whether these resources are still available, nor whether they meet community standards....

2 min · 386 words · Kirstie Whitaker, Ilektra Christidi, Andrew Walker, Shoaib Sufi

Software citation videos (to understand why and how to make your software citable)

CW21 - 2021-03-30 Jasper - CI10-CW21 Participants Morane Gruenpeter (Chair) Mario Antonioletti Emmy Tsang (Scribe) Esther Plomp Context / Research Domain Software citation videos (to understand why and how to make your software citable) Problem Preliminary activity Mario: something visual is always very appealing, base it on a theme that has been running through the workshop, need to define the right skill set required when pitching the idea, (I have no definite idea) For software citation - Stephan Druskat is a good person to talk to https://citation-file-format....

4 min · 692 words · Morane Gruenpeter, Mario Antonioletti, Emmy Tsang, Esther Plomp