🥉 3rd Place

Conferencing 3.0: ensuring equality for in-person and online participants

CW20 - 2020-03-31 to 2020-04-02 “Conferencing 3.0: ensuring equality for in-person and online participants” - CI2-CW20 Participants Emily Lewis Esther Asef Radovan Bast Bezaye Tesfaye Neil Chue Hong Richard Darst Context / Research Domain When the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions lift, we will see a return to people wanting to restart in-person events whilst others will want to continue the online interactions. The challenge will be to create a combination of guidance and tools to help run events when we have mixed online and in-person interaction, to make sure we don’t introduce new issues?...

5 min Â· 983 words Â· Emily Lewis, Esther Asef, Radovan Bast, Bezaye Tesfaye, Neil Chue Hong, Richard Darst

Open Source Covid Analysis of References (OSCAR)

CW21 - 2021-03-30 Oscar - CI15-CW21 Participants Michelle Barker Shoaib Suf Daniel S Katz Carina Haupt Callum Rollo Title: Open Source Covid Analysis of References (OSCAR) Context / Research Domain Software’s use in the Covid19 pandemic is somewhat hidden but ubiquitous. Understanding the impact of software in the pandemic would give it the credit that software deserves, raise its profile and potentially highlight the software readiness that would help in any future public health emergency....

4 min Â· 774 words Â· Michelle Barker, Shoaib Sufi, Daniel S. Katz, Carina Haupt, Callum Rollo