How to encourage and ensure software maintenance gets sufficiently funded

CW21 - 2021-03-30 Bagpuss - CI2-CW21 Participants Sorrel Harriet (Chair) Teri Forey (Scribe) Diego Alonso Álvarez Heather Turner Alexander Konovalov Ilian Todorov Ideas: _Tool or mechanism to add comments to code, or annotating the code with feedback without creating a pull request. Better space to provide guidance. _ _Nothing wrong with paired programming or code review, but it’s synchronous (have to find time that’s convenient to everyone). If it’s in a document there’s no easy way to link it to the line of code....

5 min · 1034 words · Sorrel Harriet, Teri Forey, Diego Alonso-Álvarez, Heather Turner, Alexander Konovalov, Ilian Todorov

Tools to recognise underlying software infrastructure visible and funded

CW21 Hack Day - 2021-03-31 to 2021-04-01 Hermann-1926 - HP11-CW21 Hack Day idea proposer Louise Chisholm Idea name (provisional) Tools to recognise underlying software infrastructure visible & funded Context and/or research domain Research often relies on underlying software infrastructure, but their contribution is not recognised and it is difficult to attract funding to maintain software infrastructure. Problem Research often relies on underlying software infrastructure, but their contribution is not recognised and it is difficult to attract funding to maintain software infrastructure....

1 min · 154 words · Louise Chisholm