🥇 1st Place

Code Review Cupid

CoccomCW22 - 2022-04-04 Hack Day Idea: Dove Hack Day Idea proposer Felicity Anderson, Sherman Lo, Dmitry Nikolaenko (alphabetical order) (others in H-Heather can add their name and chip in too!) Hack Day Idea title (provisional) Code Review Cupid Hack Day Demo Context and/or research domain Successful multidisciplinary research can require the e writing and maintenance of complex software. We don’t always have time to learn everything at once - so finding peers who can help us improve is key!...

9 min · 1847 words · Felicity Anderson, Sherman Lo, Dmitry Nikolaenko

DEPTH: Developer error/problem treasure hunt!

CW21 - 2021-03-30 Garfield - CI7-CW21 Participants Matt Cannon - Taylor & Francis (scribe) Dominic Kempf / RSE, Heidelberg University Matthew Bluteau / RSE, UK Atomic Energy Authority Robin Wilson / Freelance - robin@rtwilson.com Paddy McCann / RSE, University of St Andrews Title: DEPTH: Developer Error/Problem Treasure Hunt! Context / Research Domain General RSE audiences, (and really any software developer) Researchers who are not RSE - could have general or very specific queries....

3 min · 446 words · Matt Cannon, Dominic Kempf, Matthew Bluteau, Robin Wilson, Paddy McCann

How to manage expectations while juggling different projects with overlapping deadlines and competing resources?

Collaborations Workshop 2018 - 2018-03-26 How to manage expectations while juggling different projects with overlapping deadlines and competing resources? - CI1-CW18 Reporter Tania R Allard - t.allard@sheffield.ac.uk Participants Stephan Druskat, Robert Haines, Tania Allard, Mark Woodbridge, Stuart Grieve, Brigitta Sipocz, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Raquel Alegre Context / Research Domain This problem is often found within Research Software Engineering like-teams working collaboratively in a number of research projects. Problem Now that the necessity of having an RSE in a project is established, the issue of managing the expectations of the projects and allocating resources to multiple concurrent projects....

3 min · 445 words · Stephan Druskat, Robert Haines, Tania Allard, Mark Woodbridge, Stuart Grieve, Brigitta Sipocz, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Raquel Alegre

Interdisciplinary Researchers ‘R’ Us

CW22 - 2022-04-04 Collaborative Ideas session group: D-Dandelion Participants Abhishek Dasgupta, University of Oxford, abhishek.dasgupta@cs.ox.ac.uk David Wilby, University of Sheffield, d.wilby@sheffield.ac.uk Ben Krikler, U. of Bristol, / RemotleyGreen, b.krikler@cern.ch / ben@remotely.green Nadine Spychala / University of Sussex / N.Spychala@sussex.ac.uk Yo Yehudi / Open Life Science / yo@openlifesci.org Yadira Sanchez / U. of southampton / y.sanchezbenitez@soton.ac.uk Colin Sauze / Aberystwyth University / cos@aber.ac.uk Group photo Collaborative Idea Title Interdisciplinary Researchers ‘R’ Us...

4 min · 731 words · Abhishek Dasgupta, David Wilby, Ben Krikler, Nadine Spychala, Yo Yehudi, Yadira Sanchez, Colin Sauze

Key Performance Indicators for Research Software Engineering Output

CW22 - 2022-04-04 Collaborative Ideas session group: F-Fern Participants Stephan Druskat, German Aerospace Center (DLR), stephan.druskat@dlr.de Daniel S. Katz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, d.katz@ieee.org Heather Turner, University of Warwick, h.turner.1@warwick.ac.uk Vashti Galpin, University of Edinburgh, Vashti.Galpin@ed.ac.uk Amal Alghamdi, DTU, amaal@dtu.dk Jannetta Steyn, Newcastle University, jannetta.steyn@newcastle.ac.uk Group photo Collaborative Idea Title Key Performance Indicators for Research Software Engineering Output Context / Research Domain Software Sustainability Problem (Stephan) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used in research evaluation to determine the grade of success of a researcher, research project, research group, or research process....

4 min · 647 words · Stephan Druskat, Daniel S. Katz, Heather Turner, Vashti Galpin, Amal Alghamdi, Jannetta Steyn, Daniel S. Katz, James Baker, Martin Donnelly, Melodee Beals, Richard Adams, Stephen Dowsland