Developing scenarios to help nurture Inclusive Research Leaders

CW22 - 2022-04-04 Hack Day Idea: Albatross Hack Day Idea proposer Neil Chue Hong, Tracy Teal Hack Day Idea title (provisional) Developing scenarios to help nurture Inclusive Research Leaders Hack day presentation Context and/or research domain Researchers and research software developers have developed experience and expertise in their areas of work. They have spent time learning how to code, analyze data and are experts in their domains. As people become leaders in their field, whether it’s a small group or a large team, they also need to develop leadership and management skills, but often haven’t had the opportunity to learn them, or are self-taught....

4 min · 822 words · Neil Chue Hong, Tracy Teal

Hello world (of CI/CD)

CW21 Hack Day - 2021-03-31 to 2021-04-01 Amonette-1943 - HP1-CW21 Hack Day idea Proposer Sorrel Harriet Idea name (provisional) Hello World! (of CI/CD) Context / Research Domain Software engineering Problem Build a Hello World app (but make it support continuous deployment.) This hack day idea is more about developing skills, and less about the idea itself. I want to gain experience using best practices like TDD and CI/CD, but I never seem to get around to actually doing it....

1 min · 186 words · Sorrel Harriet


CW21 - 2021-03-30 Koko - CI11-CW21 Participants Stephan Druskat ( Sammie Buzzard ( Bailey Harrington ( Leyla Jael G. Castro ( Abhishek Dasgupta ( The Adventurous Architect - \ A Blueprinter for Research Software Skills Context / Research Domain Cross-domain (research software education/learning) Problem Learners completing a basic Software (or other) Carpentry workshop don’t have clear next steps for how to continue their education, and those next steps will be different for many career paths....

2 min · 363 words · Stephan Druskat, Sammie Buzzard, Bailey Harrington, Leyla Jael G. Castro, Abhishek Dasgupta


CW21 - 2021-03-30 Macavity - CI13-CW21 Participants Louise Chisholm Malin Sandstrom (chair?) Florian Mannseicher Emma Karoune (scribe) Andrew Brown (scribe) IDEAS: Skills Wheel for RSEs Ideas: Community management How to be an RSE: define the professional identity, especially for young people starting out _Training materials portal: practices, tools, languages etc. _ Carpentries address skills, this portal could address the (professional?) framework Skills wheel Different ways into RSE: direct training, researchers who incorporate RSE practices etc....

3 min · 502 words · Louise Chisholm, Malin Sandstrom, Florian Mannseicher, Emma Karoune, Andrew Brown