Summer Scholarship Programme
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The SSP in 2002

Unfortunately, we have had to take the decision not to run the SSP in 2002, primarily because we have started running an MSc course (October 2001). During the summer, the MSc students will be working on their projects, and we simply do not have enough staff time available to run both the SSP and the MSc projects during this period.

It is not clear whether we will be able to offer an SSP programme in the future, please watch this space.

A list of other SSP-style programmes, exchange and work placement schemes can be found here.

What was the SSP?

The Summer Scholarship Programme (SSP) was a unique training programme in which senior undergraduates were employed to work on 10-week projects investigating various aspects of high performance and/or novel computing (HPC).

The programme ran for 9 years (1993-2001) and electronic versions of previous SSP reports are still available for 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, and 1994. There is also some information on the 1993 projects.

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