Summer Scholarship Programme Project Proposal |
Description: The aim of this project is to collate EPCC benchmark codes into an infrastructure which makes it easier to run the benchmarks on any machine, and to collect, post-process and store results in an easily retrievable format. The student will collect some of the commonly used benchmark codes, standardise their use of timing routines and the reporting of performance, and write documentation describing how to build and run the benchmarks. Creation of some utility code for portable timing and for post-processing will be required. The student will then write a set of Web pages to allow ready access to the source code, documentation, and results. Finally, the student will test out the infrastrucutre by running the codes on available HPC resources.
Week 1: Training
Week 2-3: Collecting codes and standardising use of
timers, output format, makefiles etc.
Week 4-5: Writing portable timing and post-processing utilities.
Week 6-7: Writing web pages and documentation for running codes.
Week 8-9: Run codes on HPC machines.
Week 10: Write report.
C and/or Fortran, HTML, make
MPI and OpenMP (to basic level), SoftDev (optional).
Sun HPC systems, T3E, Bobcat.
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