Summer Scholarship Programme Project Proposal

Project Title

Testing + Benchmarking of the Parallel GW Space code

Project Proposer(s)

Elena Breitmoser + Lorna Smith

Date of proposal

2001/05/23 16:12:22

Project Details

As part of the High Performance Computing Initiative, Dr Breitmoser has been developing a parallel version of the GW Space code for the Electronic Structures consortium. Whilst the parallel version of this code is under construction, we anticipate a working version will be available by the time of the SSP. It is essential to the success of this project that the newly developed parallel version be tested and benchmarked on certain parallel systems, especially the Cray T3E. This would be an ideal project for an SSP student, giving experience of running and benchmarking on parallel systems.

Work Plan

Week 1: Courses
Week 2,3: Familiarisation with the code
Weeks 4,5,6: Testing the code on a range of systems and processes.
Weeks 7,8,9: Benchmarking the code on a range of processes and systems
Week 10: Writing up

Computing Skills Required

Fortran experience is essential, specific fortran 90 experience is desirable.

Training Required

As the parallel code is written in MPI, the following courses would be desirable:
Introduction to High Performance Computing and
Writing Message-Passing Parallel Programs with MPI.

Computing Resources

Access to the Cray T3E in Edinburgh and in Manchester (this can be obtained under the HPCI grant).:

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