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SSP Programme 2001 - Presentations
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This years presentations will take place in the CP
Lab - Room 3203. Here is the schedule of times,
speakers and titles/abstracts.
Although we
have scheduled 30 minutes for each speaker, we will `expect' that each
presentation will not take much longer than 20 minutes. Speakers are
`encouraged' to use electronic presentation of their slides, although an
`old-fashioned' overhead projector is available. Hand-written slides are
strongly *discouraged*.
A few points to remember when preparing these short presentations:
Don't overcook the slides! 10 slides will probably be better than 20.
Don't say too much.
Don't say too little.
Keep the maths to a minimum - qualitative descriptions are better
for a mixed audience.
Don't use too many colours.
Don't use too many fonts.
Don't use text which is too small to be read from the back of the room.
Keep diagrams/charts/graphs/tables/illustrations simple wherever
Where it makes sense to do so, re-use material from your poster and
report (that's a none too subtle reminder that you also have a poster
and a report to prepare).
Monday 27 August 1300
Speaker Daniel Mossop
Title The TRACS Web Database
Abstract The TRACS programme has been running in the EPCC since 1993. Under the
programme EC researchers come to the EPCC for visits lasting between four and
thirteen weeks. During this time they are given access to EPCC resources to
allow them to develop and optimise/parallelise their code.
As part of the programme visitors are given access to EPCC terminals, which are
distributed to host departments for the duration of the visit. The TRACS web
database was started to facilitate the tracking of these terminals.
By the start of the SSP the web database had been expanded to hold information
about other aspects of the TRACS visits. My project has been to complete and
extend this initial implementation.
The presentation will start with a brief introduction to the TRACS programme
and the web database. It will then move on to look at the state of the system
at the start of the SSP. This will include a discussion of the changes that
were anticipated during the course of the SSP.
The talk will then move on to consider the system's current state. This
will fall into two sections: how the web database appears to users and
how it has been implemented.
This will be followed by a look at the functionality that will (hopefully) be
implemented before the end of the SSP and how the system may be expanded in the
Monday 27 August 1330
Speaker Daire Stockdale
Title An ALife demonstrator
Jinigrid, what it was meant to do, and why it didn't, a short explanation
of six weeks.
The proposed ALife demonstrator's aims and how to meet them.
Rendering the virtual world.
How the environment affects the world.
The plants.
The creatures.
Programming problems.
Tuesday 28 August 1300
Speaker Jo Hoffman
Title DPD: A Java implementation
Abstract The presentation will focus on the development and final
implementation of the DPD code even though a short introduction
of DPD physics won't be missing.
Key discussion points will be:
- A look at a Fortran implementation
- The Class model and Java code
- Difficulties and drawbacks (or comparing
the Fortran and Java implementations)
Tuesday 28 August 1330
Speaker Ruben Garcia
Title Portable Lattice-Boltzmann in Java
Abstract Background. The physics behind this project is fluid dynamics.
The program simulates the behaviour of two liquids inserted in
a rectangular prisma using the Boltzmann equation. The
snapshot of the liquid and the velocities and densities of the
points in the prisma are stored at regular intervals.
Since the difference in performance between C and Java is no
longer excessive, porting to Java in order to get increased
portability is a reasonable thing to do. The difficulties
encountered in the porting operation will be discussed.
Results of the C/Java comparison.
2 parallel versions of the program have been developed. One
uses JOMP (Java OpenMP) and the other uses MPJ (MPI Java). The
MPJ version is still under development.
The problems encountered in the JOMP port will be discussed as
will the results - the speedup achieved will be explained.
The problems encountered in the MPJ port will be discussed as
will any results available.
Wednesday 29 August 1300
Speaker Scott Fraser
Title The Parallel GW Space Code and I/O issues
Abstract The solid state physics, the use of density fuctional theory allows the
ground state energy of a material to be calculated. In many cases we wish
to know the excited states, and the GW space code was developed to
calculate these. It is however a very computationally expensive method,
and has been parallelised using MPI-1. This approach makes the
computations far less time consuming, but due to slow I/O there
is no net gain. This project was aimed at resolving these I/O issues with
both MPI-1 and MPI-2 approaches.
Wednesday 29 August 1330
Speaker Rok Preskar
Title Java MPI Simulator
Abstract The Java MPI simulator was developed as an applet for
classroom demonstration purposes. Firstly it was
developed as a simulator of blocking point-to-point communications but it can
simulate collective communications as well.
There were still many ideas on how to expand the existing code and make the applet more consistent and comprehensive.
These were:
- presenting collective and point-to-point communications with envelopes
traveling from process to process
- converting to Swing from AWT
- increasing independency of the beans comprising the applet and as such
more general and reusable code
- possibility of saving programs
- choosing the number of processes the applet simulates
- providing user help windows (not implemented yet)
There will also be a live demonstration of how the applet works.
Thursday 30 August 1300
Speaker Jay Bradley
Title Machine Vision in Java
This project aims to make machine vision more accessible in terms of cost
and expertise. An application called MOCHA (Minimal Optical Coffee Height
Analysis) is being developed to demonstrate machine vision
techniques. Machine vision is roughly split into three areas: 1. digital
image capture, 2. digital image processing and 3. inference.
Digital image capture for machine vision applications usually employs
high-end expensive equipment to get the best possible images to work
with. This project uses the departmental digital camera which can be
bought relatively cheaply on the high street. Ways of overcoming poor
quality captured images will be briefly discussed.
A small but growing number of image operators and filters have been
implemented in Java for the project. The more operators that are
available; the better the chance of manipulating a captured image into
showing something useful. A few of these algorithms are discussed where
they are particularly important to the MOCHA application.
This project has concentrated on using the Hough transform for
pulling information out of a digital image. The classical Hough transform
will be explained followed by its development into the general Hough
transform. The classical Hough transform can detect any straight lines
within an image. The general Hough transform is capable of detecting the
presence of any arbitrary shape in a digital image. The Hough transform
works in the presence of a possibly large amount of image noise.
Thursday 30 August 1330
Speaker Oleg Olkhovsky
Title Feedback Guided Scheduling for Two-Dimensional Loops
Abstract The most rich source of parallelism are loops with independent
These iterations can be redistributed to different processors, thus
significantly decreasing execution time. However, in such situations, we
meet the imbalance problem , which means that some of the processors finish the
work earlier, due to uneven amount of calculations in different iterations,
decreasing performance of the algorithm. There are well-known methods aimed to
reduce the imbalance in the case of 1-dimensional loops.
The aim of this work is investigation of 2-dimensional imbalanced loops
scheduling in shared-memory machine. Two possible ways of solving this problem
are used here. The first one is based on the reduction 2-dimensional loop to a
1-dimensional loop and which allows one to use 1D algorithms, while the second
one is based on the use of the 2-dimensional method which directly redistribute
2D loop iterations.
Friday 31 August 1230
Speaker Helen Gibson
Title Modelling of fracture growth in rocks
Abstract The evolution of fractures in rocks is an area of active research in the
department of Geology and Geophysics. Dr Sabadell took part in this
research by writing a mostly serial code that could show the stresses
acting on and around a crack in an elastic rock under a tensile force. He
also started work on a parallel code and brought it to the point of being
able to show the displacements of the rock under a force. My project
seeked to extend this code. Firstly I modified the code to include cracks
and now I am attempting to show the stress field, and to calculate the
stress at the tip of the crack. The next stage will be to allow the crack
to propogate if the stress at its tip exceeds a breaking criterion.
Friday 31 August 1300
Speaker Ana Bosque
Title A Java Grande Benchmark to compare Java and C++ performance for a
discrete event simulation application
Abstract The aim of this project is to add one application more to those
which forms the Java Grande Benchmark, so the first thing will be to
understand the purpose of this benchmark. After that, I will also explain
what a discrete event simulation application is.
For this project we focused in an aplication called ns. This is a
network simulator written in C++. We were only interested in the code
which manages the events, so we separated this from the whole application
and translated it into Java. Now we are executing the model in C++ and
Java in different machines and Java platforms. The final results aren't
now available, but I will explain the whole process we followed, the
different problems we found and how we solved them.
Friday 31 August 1330
Speaker Feng He
Title Extending the MHD ePortal
Abstract The ePortal was developed with the UK Magneto-Hydrodynamics
consortium as a means to offer a single view of a vide range of avaible
software pakcages for scientific simulations. The ePortal enables
scientists to be able to run simulations remote, or even without the
knowledge of on which physical machines simulations are run. The system is
developed using Java and XML technologies so as to ensure
portability. This project aims at extending the ePortal prototype in two
important ways:
- Extend the back-end to include Lomond and Bobcat among the HPC service
- Integrate more software packages into the system.