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1 Introduction

This manual is intended to aid the user in visualising the physical properties contained in data sets produced by United Kingdom Quantum Chromodynamics (UKQCD) on machines at the University of Edinburgh.

The manual covers the programmes available to extract the physical properties desired, as well as the two visualisation packages used. This is only intended to be an introduction to the facilities and what has already been set up in these packages. For further help with the visualisation packages mentioned please refer to the appropriate user manual for that package (more information about this later).

This manual was written as part of a Summer Scholarship Project (SSP) carried out at the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC). It does not include an introduction to QCD. For a brief introduction to Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) please refer to final report EPCC-SS94-09 [1].
Fri Oct 7 10:31:36 BST 1994