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- angular momentum
- a property relating to rotational motion
- anti-particle
- a particle which is the same as
its respective particle in almost every way except its charge
is reversed.
- colour
- a threefold property possessed by quarks, a bit like
electric charge, which is believed to be the cause of the strong force.
- colour force
- the force that binds quarks together
- electron
- a negatively charged particle that is one of the
constituents of atoms
- flavour
- the property that distinguishes between types of quarks,
there are six flavours: up, down, strange, charmed, top and bottom
- gamma matrix
- a matrix used to describe the internal organisation of
the constituent quarks inside the relevant particle
- gauge theory
- a theory of particles and the forces which act on them
- gluon
- the carriers of the strong force between quarks
- lepton
- a particle that does not experience the strong force,
ie. the electron
- maps
- a collections of linked modules in Explorer
- meson
- a particle constisting of a quark anti-quark pair
- modules
- a building block within Explorer in which
each module performs its own function
- Monte Carlo
- a random statistical method used in many
physical simulations
- neutrino
- an electrically neutral, massless lepton of which
there are three known varieties one of which partners the electron
- pion
- the lightest known meson of which there are three forms:
with charges +1, 0 and -1
- - Quantum Chromodynamics: the theory describing the interaction
of colour and electric charges
- quark
- regarded as one of the fundamental building blocks of matter
- rho
- a meson
- spin
- a particle property that is a measure of angular momentum
- strong force
- the force that holds protons and neutrons together.
It is believed to result from the force between quarks
- United Kingdom Quantum Chromodynamics Group
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