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4.7 Where to find the programs

The code, maps, modules and other files needed to use the facilities mentioned in this report have been compressed and packaged using

tar cvf QCDvis_?????.tar directories


gzip QCDvis_?????.tar

These will need to be uncompressed before use as follows:

gunzip QCDvis_?????.tar.gz

followed by

tar xvf QCDvis_?????.tar

The following tar files exsist:

contains all code written. Following decompression contains .../Fortran directory which contains all the code.
contains all documentation. Following decompression contains .../REPORT directory, which contains the files to create the report and manual for this project, and a .../POSTER directory which contains the files to create the poster for this project.
contains some of the images created during this project. After decompression this will contain directories .../IMAGES and .../GIF which contain the various images.
contains facilities for Explorer and BOB. Following decompression consists of .../Maps and .../Modules directories which contain the Maps and Modules for Explorer, and .../colour and .../opaque directories which contain colour and opacity maps used in BOB. This file also contains ...DOTexplorerrc file needed for Explorer.

All directories contain README files describing their contents.
Fri Oct 7 10:31:36 BST 1994