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6.1 The Librarian

The Librarian contains all the maps and modules available for you to use. Modules appear in beige and maps in blue.

There are some maps specifically for your use in visualising QCD data in lists called Meson and Gauge. To find these in the librarian use the horizontal slider to move about. The lists are headed Meson and Gauge.

To locate a map quickly place the mouse in the required list and type the first letter of the module. The list will change to begin at that letter (all lists are in alphabetical order). To start a map move the mouse pointer on top of the map, and drag it onto the Map Editor using the left mouse button. The map might take a few seconds or more to start up. It depends on how many people are using the machine at the time and how complicated the map is.
Fri Oct 7 10:31:36 BST 1994