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6.4 Dot file for Explorer

To use Explorer the user must have a file called .explorerrc. This file contains information about where Explorer has to load up modules and maps from as well as where to place the arena and what arena size is required. There is a .explorerrc file contained in helen called DOTexplorerrc for the user to copy into his/her directory and modify as required. It is recommended to make two copies of this file in the users directory leaving a working master copy.

To access the modules used and maps created the following lines must be present in this file:

modulepath -append /home/explorer/for_helen
modulepath -append /home/helen/Modules 
modulepath -append /home/helen/Maps
modulepath -append /home/explorer/IRIX5_modules

To include the lists of maps in the Librarian the user must have the following lines in the .explorerc file:

category  "Meson" \
    ReadQCD slice animation volume1 volume2 volume3 splatter orthoslice \
    displaceorthoslice histogram contour isosurface

category  "Gauge" \
    ReadQCD gaugeslice slice animation histogram volume1 volume2 \
    volume3 displaceorthoslice contour isosurface
Fri Oct 7 10:31:36 BST 1994