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6.6 Reading in data

There are various data import modules available in Explorer. All the maps that have been provided for your use (called Meson and Gauge) use the module ReadQCD to read in data. This will read in data which has been through the convert program and has had dimensions added at the top of the file (see section 4.6 on shell scripts).

There are however, other data import modules. These can be found in the category on the far left of the Librarian, most of them are called Read????. Alternatively the user can create their own import module. There is a package called dcsribe which is available to help you do this. To start dscribe type:

dscribe &

The explorer manual [3] and [4] (see section 7) has details of how to use this. When creating modules using dscribe it is recommended to load up a data import module that has already been written , save it in your own directory under a new name, and alter it. It is also advised to parse (option found in the File menu in dscribe) the file after each alteration to pick up any errors. To test the module try creating a small test data file of the same form. This will save Explorer from hanging on you, or dumping the modules, sometimes causing errors in Explorer which make it necessary to Quit and restart.
Fri Oct 7 10:31:36 BST 1994