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6.7.2 Modifying maps - an example

This section contains an example of how to modify the gaugeslice map to read in the same slice from many files in the For loop instead of reading in many slices from the same file. The intention is to give the user an idea of how to make simple modifications. For further help with this please refer to the Explorer manual [4].

Start up the gaugeslice map by dragging it onto the map editor with the left mouse button. Wait for it to load, ie. wait until all flashing yellow modules have finished.

Set up the map to move through all the slices in one file as follows:

First input the data for the file name in Animfile checking that out file is correct. Once this has been done connect out file from the output port of Animfile to the InputFile in the input port of ReadQCD. Let this run through and check the image is being displayed correctly. Next check the values that have been entered in the For module. Try a small range of numbers initaly. Now connect the sync - parameter from the ouput of Render to the condition input of the For loop (this pipe will appear purple). Finally connect the current value output of the For loop to the slice number input of Orthoslice and Refire the For loop (Refire is a widget in the For window).

The map is now set up to run through the slices in one file.

To alter this to run through the same slice in many files carry out the following operations:

Disconnect the sync - parameter output, of the Render, from the For module. This is done by going to the output port, clicking the right mouse button and holding it down until it is over the connection you wish to disconnect, then let go of the mouse. This will disconnect that link and the relevant pipe should disappear. Now disconnect the For module's ouput of current value from Orthoslice slice number and reconnect the For current value output to the AnimFile input of value . Check the values in the For loop and connect up the Render sync - parameter as before and Refire.

Next: 6.7.3 Creating your own Up: 6.7 Using the maps Previous: 6.7.1 A WARNING about
Fri Oct 7 10:31:36 BST 1994