SSP Biography: Carrie Gate
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Carrie Gates was born in a small town in Nova Scotia, Canada, and grew up in an even smaller town. As a result, she left high school as soon as she was allowed (after grade 11) and entered university.

At Dalhousie University Carrie began studying biology. Through a long and complicated story, she ended up completing a degree in Computing Science. Upon completion she was offered a full time position with Government Services Canada, which she turned down to do a Masters of Science. While her thesis area was neural networks, she seems to have more expertise in parallel computing, having worked on them before entering the SSP program.

In the future Carrie hopes to return to work for the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Dalhousie University and continue working in medical computing, as well as parallel computing. She also is marrying Kent Murray, another Dalhousie Computing Science graduate, in the summer of 1996.

A description of the project that Carrie has been working on may be found here

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