Summer Scholarship Programme
projects 1997
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SS-97-01 Particle Image Velocimetry Analysis : Riel Carol

SS-97-02 3D Modelling of Heat Flow in Sedimentary Basins : Dirk Carstens

SS-97-03 An Approach to Clustering in Multidimensional Datasets using Genetic Algorithms : Daniel Chen

SS-97-04 Parallelisation Options for the Core-Mantle Boundary Flow Code ITERTRAN : Elena Degoli

SS-97-05 Discrete Element Modeller 2 : Timotej Ecimovic

SS-97-06 MPI Datatypes Toolset: Library Support : Berent Eskikaya

SS-97-07 Optimising Compressor Lifetime : Hugh Leather

SS-97-08 Spatial Interaction Modelling of Epidemics : Jennifer Market

SS-97-09 Computational Fluid Dynamics on a Sphere without Coordinate Singularities : Ian Mulvany

SS-97-10 Interactive Computer Simulation of the Principles Behind How Fish Swim : Iroro Orife

SS-97-11 Simulating Web Caching on a LAN : Hernani Pedroso

SS-97-12 EPIC 2000 : Golestan Radwan

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