Summer Scholarship Programme
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SS-98-01 Intersim Java: Extending the Network Simulator : Amit Asaravala

SS-98-02 Crystal Structure Determination from Powder Diffraction : Sam Carr

SS-98-03 Application of BICG Method to Large Satellite Magnetic Datasets : Adam Carter

SS-98-04 Java Simulation of MPI Collective Communications : Thomas Doel

SS-98-05 VisualGA: Visualisation of a Genetic Algorithm : Ruth Durie

SS-98-06 Parallel Short-ranged Molecular Dynamics Simulation with HPF : Giampietro Lea

SS-98-07 WebDB: Bringing Structure to the WWW : John Lin

SS-98-08 EPIC-2001: Extending EPIC to the Windows Desktop : Mario Mitas

SS-98-09 Parallel vector-topological data input for Geographical Information Systems : Eurico Moita

SS-98-10 High Performance Java for the Hitachi SR2201 : Elson Mourão

SS-98-11 JavaGene: Java Middleware to Access Distributed Molecular Biology Databases : Scott Trudeau

SS-98-12 3D modelling of heat flow in sedimentary basins - the impact of rifted basement topography : Stephan Zeipel

SS-98-13 Benchmarking and related work on the Hitachi SR2201 : Krzysztof Zelazowski

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