EPCC SSP Biography: Owen O'Loan
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Owen was born on the 18th November 1974 in Ballymena, Co. Antrim where he lived for about 3 months before moving to Glenravel nearby, then to Saudi Arabia, then to Limerick, then back to Glenravel, then to Sligo in the North-West of Ireland for most of his schooldays and now he's back in Glenravel although he spends most of his days here in Edinburgh where he's about to begin his fourth and final year of a B.Sc. in Computational Physics at the University of Edinburgh and that was all one sentence if you've got this far.

Owen obviously has an interest in computers which is why he was here but he also enjoys playing (and watching) football, golf, badminton, tennis, cricket and other things and he likes sleeping, eating, drinking, music & dancing quite a lot as well.

A description of the project that Owen has been working on may be found here

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