Summer Scholarship Programme
Projects 2000
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SS-2000-01 Developing a Benchmark Suite for the Sun HPC3500 and other systems : Michael Clark

SS-2000-02 Jini-Grid : Benjamin Clifford

SS-2000-03 Benchmarking, Profiling and Performance Analysis of the Java Grande Benchmark Suite : Robin Freeman

SS-2000-04 Inference of fluid flow at the top of the Earth's liquid core from geomagnetic data : Mark Madden

SS-2000-05 Library Tools for Course Web Site Creators : Andrew Marshall

SS-2000-06 Visualisation of 2D and 3D Discrete Element Models using OpenGL : Dimitrios Mitsotakis

SS-2000-07 OpenMP Microbenchmarks : Darragh O'Neill

SS-2000-08 OpenMP for Java : Jan Obdrzalek

SS-2000-09 InterSim: ns scheduler enhancement : Dave Oldham

SS-2000-10 Java MPI Simulator : Derrick Pisani

SS-2000-11 Investigating Globus and GRID technologies : Golestan Radwan

SS-2000-12 Student Tracking: Mother, Mentor, Mate : Katarzyna Zajac

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