SSP Biography: Thomas Schroder
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Thomas Schroder was born on the 15th of September 1968 in a suburb of Copenhagen, Denmark. He started studying Physics and Computer Science at The University of Roskilde, Denmark in the summer of 1989.

He is currently finishing his master thesis, covering both Physics and Computer Science. In the thesis he uses C++ and MPI to calculate the conductivity of large 2- and 3-dimensional resistor-networks on a cluster of workstations. After finishing his master thesis (winter 95/96) Thomas hopes to get a PhD in Physics.

Apart from Physics and Computer Science Thomas's great love is doing sports: Cycling, Badminton and Football. At the EPPC Sommer Scholarship Programme 95 he was introduced to the great game ULTIMATE frisbee. He even got his own nickname: "The Golden Retriever" for all the fantastic catches he made in the opponents in-zone :-)

If you want to know more about Thomas then check out his home page.

A description of the project that Thomas has been working on may be found here

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