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Visualisation of Parallel Algorithms for Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations


An enormous range of physical phenomena are described by Partial Differential Equations, for example electromagnetism, heat flow and fluid dynamics. For large systems numerical solution is often the only practical approach. If the original PDE is linear, the resulting difference equations which have to be solved on the computer are simply a set of simultaneous linear equations. Many well established direct and iterative techniques exist for such systems, but linear solvers are still a major area of research. For non-linear systems, the situation is much more complicated. Often, there are no guarantees that a given algorithm will succeed in all cases and a large amount of empirical fine-tuning is necessary.

Computational Fluid Dynamics

The flow of a real fluid is described by a non-linear PDE, the Navier-Stokes Equation, which is only analytically soluble in a few special cases. In principle it fully describes all situations from the steady flow of water in a pipe through to the turbulent flow of air round a supersonic aircraft, but in practice different approximations have to be made in different circumstances. In very simple cases this means that the problem becomes linear, but in general some non-linearity is required to describe, for example, whirlpools and eddies in a river.

CFD is greatly simplified if we consider an incompressible fluid (e.g. water rather than air) flowing in two dimensions. In this case extremely straightforward iterative techniques can be used to solve the full equations. Indeed, on the Computational Science course people are able to produce serial implementations from scratch in a single afternoon. There are, of course, many faster and more sophisticated methods available that would take longer to implement.


What makes CFD so much fun to play about with is that it is so easy to visualise. Not only this, but people have enough everyday experience with fluids to immediately spot if and where something is going wrong. For example, we all know that eddies form downstream of a pier that juts out into a river. Visualising the velocity of the flow from the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation shows exactly this. If the iterative algorithm is terminated prematurely then you see that the eddies have not developed fully, and a mistake in the computer program might cause them to appear upstream rather than downstream.


The aims of this project are to develop visualisation techniques to monitor the progress of different algorithms for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation in two dimensions. This might involve displaying the current solution, the error in the solution, or some derived features like the pressure or vorticity.

The purpose is to attempt to use these visualisations to develop an intuitive understanding as to why certain algorithms are so much better than others. For example, you might discover that a method works very well because the eddies appear very quickly, or that a method fails because the error is large in areas of relatively smooth flow. Given that many methods require hand-tuning, the visualisations might give clues as to how best to optimise them.


The student will need to do the following Optional further work


I would prefer the code to be written in Fortran. CFD, MPI and AVS expertise would be gained from relevant EPCC courses. Although knowledge of the physical sciences is not actually required to do the project, someone without such a background might find the concept of using PDE's to simulate the real world rather daunting. One of the main aims is to gain some physical insight into the algorithms rather than simple to view them as abstract mathematical recipes.

Resources Required

MPI code could be run on cluster, SSP or T3D.

Resources Supplied

None that I can think of.


To be supplied...

Hellidon Dollani worked on this project.

Compressed PostScript of the project's final report is available here (799 kbytes) .

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