Summer Scholarship Programme:
students 1997 Elena Degol
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Home Institution

University of Modena (Italy)


I was born in Modena the 12th of April 1972.
I'm graduate in Physics.
I received my degree the 7th of March 1997 at the University of Modena (Italy).

After the secondary scientific school where I discovered my passion for science, I decided to attend the faculty of Physics to satisfy my curiosity about all the world around me. That led me, in the last period of my university training, to study in depth the properties of matter that means the properties of everything around us: my thesis project actually concerned the

"Optical Properties of Ultrathin Layers of Silicon".

These theoretical researches involve a considerable use of computers which induced me, in these last two years, to learn how to use them to the best effect.

I'm a FORTRAN77 programmer and I know UNIX and VMS operative systems.

A description of the project that I am working on is available here

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