SSP Project Summary: | |
There are two distinct parts of the project:
Part 1:
A centre-line is constructed midway between the end-diastolic and end-systolic endocardial contours. Motion is measured along a number of chords (100) perpendicular to the centreline. Optionally, to adjust for heart size the motion of each chord should be normalised by the length of the end-diastolic perimeter. The results are displayed either as separate graphs for each slice with motion plotted against chord number or as a bulls-eye plot showing the motion for each slice as a number of concentric circles divided into segments. The inner circle representing the apical slice whilst the outermost circle represents the basal slice. The average motion within each segment (10 chords) being colour coded.
Using the centreline method described above systolic wall thickening is determined by calculating the difference in thickness between the end-diastolic (epicardial-endocardial) chords and the end-systolic (epicardial-endocardial) chords. The results are displayed as line graphs for each slice location and as the bulls-eye plots. Phase analysis of time to peak systolic wall thickening will also be calculated and displayed on a bull-eye plot.
Part 2:
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