SSP Project Summary
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Developing a Benchmark Suite for the Sun HPC3500 and other systems


Michael Clark, University of Edinburgh


Lorna Smith, EPCC

Alan Simpson, EPCC

This project will involve benchmarking the Sun HPC 3500 and, if either are available, the new Lomond service and Wildfire system.

The object is to collect a range of benchmark codes, both parallel and serial, to develop a suite of benchmarks. This suite will then be used to test the performance of the Sun HPC 3500, with a range of compiler options and compilers. The suite will also be tested on the new Lomond service and Wildfire system (if available) and the Cray T3E to allow system comparisons to be made.

Benchmarking the new Wildfire and Lomond systems is of obvious importance and interest to EPCC. We anticipate that at least one of these systems will be available by the time of the SSP. Should neither be available, the development of a general benchmark suite and the benchmarking of the Sun HPC 3500 will still prove useful to EPCC.

The final report for this project is available here.
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