SSP Project Summary
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Inference of fluid flow at the top of the Earth's liquid core from geomagnetic data


Mark Madden, University of York


Rob Baxter, EPCC

Kathy Whaler, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Edinburgh

Observed changes in the geomagnetic field on the timescale of decades to centuries are caused by flow in the liquid iron-rich outer core. Due to its high electrical conductivity, the fluid drags the magnetic field lines around with it as it moves (the field is 'frozen in' to the fluid). Thus, we can use the field changes as 'tracers' of the flow at the core surface. However, there is an element of ambiguity in the flow so determined, which we reduce by making extra assumptions about the nature of the flow.

One such assumption is that the flow is steady - this is attractive computationally, since we then only require a single set of parameters describing the flow to explain many decades of geomagnetic data. However, steady flows cannot explain much of the temporal detail in the data. We can improve the fit to the data considerably without sacrificing the simplicity of the steady flow by introducing a simple time dependency - that the core reference frame drifts azimuthally with respect to our observation frame. Thus, we have two quantities to solve for - the drift of the core reference frame and the steady flow within that drifting frame. Previous calculations have used an interactive approach (assume a drift, find the best-fitting flow in that drifting frame, update the drift estimate and repeat), but this may not fully explore parameter space. This project explores Monte Carlo sampling using a probabilistic procedure as an alternative.

This project builds on work done by Rob Baxter of EPCC under a NERC grant to Kathy Whaler and in a previous SSP project SS-97-04, and splits into a number of stages:

The final report for this project is available here.
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