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InterSim: ns scheduler enhancement


Dave Oldham, University of Edinburgh


Martin Westhead, EPCC

This project is part of the ongoing work at EPCC on simulation of internetworks. It will involve the development and testing of a novel discrete event scheduling algorithm to be implemented on the ns simulator.


Intersim is an ongoing project involving a collaboration with Cisco and BT to use discrete event simulation to inform the design of IP networks. The work is focused on modelling the design of DiffServ networks in order to provide performance guarantees on delay, jitter and packet loss across a network.


Ns is a network simulation package developed at UC Berkeley 5 years ago. It is largely regarded as the de-facto IP simulator within the academic community. Part of the work with Cisco has involved the upgrading of an existing network simulation package 'ns' to improve performance on memory and CPU.

The Project

Last year's Intersim SSP project involved the developing beginnings of a parallelisation of the code. The basis of the parallelisation was that the total ordering of events did not need to be preserved, only certain 'critically related' events had to execute in the correct order. This project will involve developing that idea to:
  1. Develop and improved scheduler which only sorts events if they need to be. We call this a 'Lazy Scheduler'.
  2. Demonstrate how the Lazy Scheduler solves the bottleneck problem that was present in the parallel scheduler.
The algorithms are essentially understood by the supervisors but additional effort is needed to fully implement them and provide empirical evidence that they improve ns performance. A conference publication from this work is a strong possibility if it is successful.

The final report for this project is available here.
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