SSP Project Summary
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Student Tracking: Mother, Mentor, Mate


Katarzyna Zajac, University of Mining and Metallurgy (Krakow)


Mario Antonioletti, EPCC

Gordon Darling, EPCC

Charles Duncan, Department of Meteorology

Martin Morrey, Department of Meteorology

EPCC-TEC has had a long-standing interest in interactive distance learning and aims to expand in this area in the future. Already a suite of elements are available through our web site: We would like to be able to expand on this by exploring the area of student tracking. This would allow us to monitor: The development of an appropriate tracking tool would enable the creation of student profile records that can be examined and utilised to best cater for students' learning needs and interests. Specifically, it would provide a feedback mechanism to appropriately focus, modify and target our courses, enriching the online, interactive learning environment. The Department of Meteorology at the University of Edinburgh has already established some of the underlying principles through the EuroMet project [5] and has a continuing interest in student tracking. Their expertise and involvement in this collabration will significantly add to the validity and appropriateness of the approaches adopted.

Using the access log generated by the local web server can only give a partial picture as to how the learning-material is being accessed (page caching issues, see [6] for a discussion of this). Recorded data is also difficult to analyse when a course is distributed across multiple servers. Therefore an alternative solution will be developed.

During the project the following items will come under investigation:

  1. Review of tracking systems
  2. Design and implementation of a generic system to record tracking data
  3. Analysis of tracking data
  4. Access to tracking information
  5. Convergence with other sources of student / course information
This is somewhat ambitious but it should be achievable with the provision of a good design to the student.

[1] See:
[2] See:
[3] See:
[4] See: 1998/ProjectSummary/doel.html
[5] See:
[6] See:

The final report for this project is available here.
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