SSP Biography: Mark Madden
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Home Institution

University of York


I'm a third year Maths with Physics student at York University, rapidly approaching my fourth and final year. I have interests in a number of things mathematical and physical, including a loose acquaintance with quantum computation and faster than light ideas. I also like to think about issues relating to communication with computers, particularly in the area of games. All, none or some of these things may be part of what I do after my course finishes.

The most exciting sport I've tried is Kung Fu. I reached the fifth grade before lapsing when I came to York. Sadly, the most exercise I currently get is cycling, mainly to and from lectures.

I dream of one day applying the Travelling Salesman Problem to York University campus, somehow calculating the shortest route from point to point which also avoids the unique hazards endemic to that environment. These include hordes of truculent geese, low-flying ducks and the dreaded fountain spray.

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