SSP 1994 project summary:
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Invasion Percolation of Fluids into Active Faults using a Cellular Automaton Model

Fluids exert a strong control on the rheology of the earth's crust under natural conditions and can even trigger earthquakes during the filling of dams, hydrocarbon extraction or in the production of geothermal energy. The aim of this project is to model the effect of fluid channelling on earthquake faults using a cellular automaton comprising a heterogeneous 'elastic brittle' fault surface overlain and coupled to a lattice gas automaton representing local fluid pressure. The problem is to couple the effect of the invasion percolation of fluids from below while simulataneously stressing the modelled fault. The project builds on an earlier 'dry' fault simulation carried out under the same scholarship programme, which has led to several publications.

Jianhong Xu worked on this project.

Compressed PostScript of Jianhong's final report is available here (325693 bytes) .

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