SSP 1995 project summary:
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The Stress Distribution in Faulted Porous Rocks


Pore fluids in rocks play a fundamental role in the brittle deformation of the shallow Earth's crust and, in turn, their migration is widely driven by the fault distribution and the porosity-permeability structure of each fault. Until recently however, little emphasis has been placed on the modelling of this coupled evolution of brittle deformation and pore fluids. We are currently working towards a numerical model that couples the evolution of fluid flows and deformations in a range of geologically realistic conditions. Such a model must:


Some of the difficulties raised by the construction of this model have been solved (the pore pressure diffusion and the implementation of the constitutive law). The most important remaining problem is the determination of the stress distribution after any breaking has occured. This is the goal of the present project.

Ideally, such a determination should be both accurate and fast. Accurate because the anisotropic character of the stress plays a determinant role in the resulting fracture patterns, fast because it will be performed hundreds to thousands of times (i.e. at each time step) during a single simulation. Eventually, it cannot rely on simplifying assumptions about heterogeneities of the medium since they are precisely arbitrary, exhibiting sharp contrasts of all parameters in the regions of faults and fractures.


At the present time, we are considering three strategies to determine the stress distribution after each dynamic (slip) event along any fault. One of these will be chosen before the project starts:


The student will have to implement one of the three methods outlined above on the Cray-T3D in a Message-Passing style. We intend to provide him with a detailed description of the method and to closely follow the development of the code. If it is succesfully implemented before the end of the scolarship, the student will be able to perform simulations for comparison with analytic solutions in simple cases.

Results expected

The determination of the stress distribution in a heterogeneous medium is a fundamental problem in itself and need not be subject to the full development of the model described above. It is worth a publication in itself.

Regina Schlegel worked on this project.

Compressed PostScript of the project's final report is available here (203747 bytes) .

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