SSP 1995 project summary:
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Application Engineering Tools for MPI and PUL

This project will involve a student working on extending the features of the VISPAT tool (VISualization of Performance Analysis and Tuning). The first and second versions of VISPAT targeted programs using the CHIMP and MPI libraries respectively.

This year, the student will be expected to enhance the robustness and usability of the existing tool based on user feedback, and then to extend the tool to address visualisation of MPI-based libraries that provide parallel programming paradigms, such as regular grid decomposition and task farming. EPCC's Parallel Utilites Libraries (PUL) and University of Colorado's MPI-RGL are MPI-based libraries in this area.

The student's work will be split into three parts. During the first part of the project the student will enhance the robustness and usability of the existing tool according to user feedback; this will familiarise the student with the GUI code and use of the GUI builder. The second stage will be to produce the instrumented versions of the PUL (and MPI-RGL) libraries. As the third stage the student will implement new displays and transform some of the existing ones, as follows.

Patricio Domingues worked on this project.

Compressed PostScript of the project's final report is available here (146865 bytes) .

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