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Klaus Aehlig, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich


Michael Bowers, EPCC

The parallelisation of a Finite Element (FE) code called Thermique is currently in process for the Rho consortium under the UK's High Performance Computing Initiative. The parallel code is targeted for the T3E and the original direct linear algrebra solver has been replaced with an iterative solver with a simple preconditioner.

Due to the T3E's distributed memory, domain decomposition is required and this can require significant amounts of additional time and effort to do.

The aim of the project is to parallelise the Thermique code on a shared memory platform using the OpenMP standard, using a suitable iterative method.

This project may provide an opportunity to collaborate with project SS-99-06, which also aims to use OpenMP to parallelise another iterative method but in a code with a different coefficent matrix storage method. There could be a beginning of an iterative library using OpenMP.

There are several reasons for proposing this project:

  1. Gain general experience of OpenMP
  2. FE codes have the same typical structure so experience gained can be used in other FE projects.
  3. I suspect industrial firms using FE will probably purchase shared memory machines in future rather than distributed memory ones.
  4. Potential usefulness to Rho.

The final report for this project is available here.
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