SSP Project Summary:
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Mark Kambites, University of York


Mark Bull, EPCC

Martin Westhead, EPCC

The aim of this project is to implement a compiler to support a subset of OpenMP for Java. OpenMP is a specification of directives and library routines for shared memory parallel programming, and is currently defined for Fortran, C and C++. This project will investigate the definition and implementation of OpenMP for Java, based on Java's native threads model. The initial part of the project will require the design of the specification, including how best to embed OpenMP directives in Java and which subset of OpenMP is to be supported. A run-time class library will then be defined and written which will provide the necessary functionality for implementing OpenMP constructs in terms of Java's own threads model. Finally a compiler will be built which will take Java with OpenMP directives and translate this into Java with calls to the run-time library.

The final report for this project is available here.

Mark is now a postgraduate student at the University of York and his personal webpage can be found here.

And finally, here is a link to the JOMP homepage.

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